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Vietnam Skirmish Rules |
Designed and used in 20mm scale |
Turn SequencePlayers take alternate turns as described below. Each Figure has three phases per turn. A Phase may generaly be used to Move, Fire or prepare to fire.
Check For KIA/WIAFor each figure in your skirmish force count it’s number of Suppression Counters, Then Roll a die, if you score equal to less than the number of counters then that figure is removed from play as a KIA/MIA.Figure PhasesThere are a number of option that can be done during each of a figures three phases. If a figure has any Suppression counters against it, reduce the number of phases for that figure by that many. Thus a figure with one counter only has two phases, a figure with four has no phases.
Remove Suppression CountersAt the end of your turn you may remove one counter from each of your figures.FiringEach Phase spent firing allows you to roll a D6. If the die roll matches the ‘Suppress’ figure for the weapon then you can place a ‘Suppression Counter’ against any eligible figure in your Firing Arc. If a figure has Cover in relation to the firer they can not be allocated a Suppresion counter if they already have one.
Firing ArcA figure has a firing Arc of 90 degrees of straight ahead.Throwing GrenadesThrowing a grenade take a full three phases. The phases must be consecutive but they may span Turns. Hand Grenades have a maximum range. Grenades allow you to add additional Supresion counters to a Target behind Cover provided the grenade can be lobbed beyond the Cover. See the table below for Grenade details..Firing GrenadesFigures armed with M203’s or M79’s are able to fire Grenades to any range. However it takes two consecutive phases to fire one of these grenades.
Phosperous grenades create smoke that blocks line of sight. All grenades lobbed by hand are likely to deviate from the desired landing point. Use the Artillery deviation table,on a roll of 1 or 2 then the grenade lands as specified, otherwise roll the distance die 1-2 = 1", 3-4 = 2", 5-6 = 3". M79/M203 grenades will deviate from the desired landing point. Use the Artillery deviation table for this, but a roll of 1 or 2 indicates that the shot has fallen on target. Tactical Movement and Hidden AmbushesIf a figure is moved it generates a ‘pip’ of noise, unless it is moved tacticly. So if a figure spends all three of it’s phases moving non tacticly then it generates three ‘pip’s of noise. If multiple figures are moved within 6 inches of each other then their ‘pip’s are added together. This noise can be detected by opposing forces as follows. Total the number of ‘pip’s subtract one for each full 10 inches between the two nearest members of the opposing forces. Roll a die and if the score is less than or equal to the result then the movement has been detected and may be fired upon.Tactical movement reduces the amount of noise a figure makes as it moves through the jungle. It takes two consecutive figure phases to move move 2 inches of tactical movement. Firing at a "Noise" is carried out in exactly the same way as normal. Listening for an enemy force takes a phase, and must be the first phase of a figures turn. If you fire any of your figures within 10" of the listener before the listener figure has listened then no listening is possible. Any Figure that fires in its turn is a valid target during the opposing players following turn because they have automaticly been heard. Even if the figure fires in phase one and then moves for two phases. This represents the ability to spray an area with bullets. Two opposed figures both hidden, who have not heard each other, are able to see each other when within 4". If a figure has not heard a hidden enemy they may not fire at it unless...
Alternate Hidden Rules : All Figures are placed on the board (except where the scenario says otherwise). Spotting a hidden enemy is a fairly simple to establish. When within 12 inches of the hidden figure roll two dice. If the total is greater than or equal to the range then they have been spotted. A spotted target can be fired on by anyone with a valid shot. Speculative FireFiring or lobbing grenades into an area where no target has been identified is done as follows. Roll a die. On a score of 6 all figures within 3" of the specified point are allocated a supression counter. If the figure has one or more counters already then no more are allocated. This rule is to allow the practice of speculative fire but discourage it.Off Table Fire SupportOff Table fire support can be from friendly Artillery or Mortar units. Support can only be called if a radio is available to the unit and a specific figure has been nominated as carrying it. (Note that if the radio figure has been killed the radio is destroyed with him on a 4-6 on a six sided die). Off table support takes place immediately before the movement of any of your figures.The procedure for calling in friendly fire is as follows. A Target point is declared by the side calling for support, which may be anywhere on the table. Roll a single die. And use the table below to determin the landing point.If smoke spotting rounds are used apply the following rule. On the turn that the spotting round appears the calling player indicates the spot he wants it to land. The referee drops a paper ball from at least 16" hieght over the table. Where the ball ends it where the smoke round lands. On the following turn, without measuring the calling player may adjust the landing point of the first round by specifiying a number of rounds left right etc.
Mark the landing point and any figure within 6 that is not behind hard cover is immediately given three suppression counters. Those in Hard Cover are given a single suppression counter. The number of rounds fired by off table fire support in a single turn should be limited by scenario but it is suggested that you restrict it to 5 shots per turn. The number of turns that Off table fire support can fire should be limited by scenario otherwise the game shall become very boring. The landing point of succesive shots in the same turn are estabished by taking the landing point of the previous shot and Rolling a six sided die and referencing the above table (except when a 1 or 2 is rolled in which case the shot lands in the same place as the last). APC'sThese rules apply to the M113 APC. APCs may move up to 4" per phase and any number of suppression counters will not reduce this.APC's accept suppression counters like normal troops with the following exceptions. The first 'Kill' of the APC will immobilise it the second will explode it. Attacking an APC with assault rifles/shotguns/pistols is pointless they can do no harm to it. Fragmentation grenades ( however many are used in a single turn ) may apply a maximum of 1 suppression counter to an APC. If the APC already has any suppression counters no more may be applied. RPG's ( not grenade launchers ) hit on a 5-6 and apply 3 suppression counters to an APC. If a figure is run-over by any vehicle, immediately bring thier total of supression counters up to 5. Should they already have 5 or more, there is no effect. MortarsA Mortar fires one shot per turn. It may fire any of the three standard grenade types. If a fragmentation round hits an APC treat it as if the vehicle has been shot at by an RPG. The mortars range covers the full board.If being moved it takes 2 full turns to set up and disassemble. Mortar rounds deviate. If the shooters can see the targeted point then the round deviates like a hand grenade. If the targeted point is not in sight of the shooters the mortar deviates as an artillery round. Clarification : As the mortar only fires one round per turn, the deviation is always from the specified target, never from the last landing point. Once fired, a mortars target point can only be altered by 12" per turn ( unless of course you disassemble and reassemble it ). Anti-Personnel MinesAn anti personnel mine must be placed and recorded by the referee before play begins. These go off like a fragmentation grenade, with the exception that the figure that sets it off gets three suppression counters on a roll of 3-6.Claymore Antipersonnel MinesClaymore Antipersonnel mines differ from normal mines in that it is both directional and hand fired. The placement of one of these mines takes an entire turn. The firer must be within 4" of the mine. The mines location and facing must be recorded with the referee. Themine has a 90 degree fire arc, any figures with 3" and in the arc are given 2 suppression counters on a 4-6. Any between 3" and 7" are given 1 on a 5-6. It takes a phase to fire one of these grenades. |