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Character Generation

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Getting Started

This game is designed with the primary play being focused around a small band of PC's (Player Characters) that decend into a dungeon to have adventures, and occasionaly have above ground adventures.

So when creating characters is it assumed that the only people likely to be doing this kind of thing are adventurers. This is reflected in the character generation process, players are restricted to only a few types of character and all of the thousands of other crafts that an NPC (Non Player Character) may go into ( such as pottery ) are not options.

The Options for PC's are listed in the following table. Your first step in generating a character is to pick one of these options.

Occupation Description

Warrior Simply put, the brawn. This occupation covers those people who have opted to become soldiers, bodyguards, thugs and heavies.
Sneak Again a broad spectrum of people may be covered by this occupation. The professional house breaker, pick pocket or even traveling tumbler. The sneak is lithe and good with thier hands.
Magi This occupation represent those individuals who have spent a great deal of time studying the mystic art of Earth Power. They usually develop a large number of spells in thier search for knowledge, power and wealth.